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Canada / National and Historic Parks Branch
- Scotter, George W. 142
Carl Zeiss <Jena> 335
Carl Zeiss <Jena> / Zweigniederlassung <Berlin> 335
Central Meteorological Observatory <Tokyo>
s. Chuo-Kishodai <Tokyo>
Centre d'Études Glaciologiques des Régions Arctiques et Antarctiques <Paris>
- Bauer, Albert 344
Centre de Géographie Appliquée <Strasbourg>
- Dollfus, Oliver 346
- Raynal, René 134
- Tricart, Jean 121, 126
Centro de Estudos Geográficos <Lisboa>
- Ribeiro, Orlando 120
Centro de Investigaciones de Glaciología <Santiago>
- Lliboutry, Luis 367
Centro de Pesquisas de Geografia do Brasil <Rio de Janeiro> 204
- Sternberg, Hilgard O'Reilly 120, 124, 128, 213, 378
Centro di Geografia Agraria <Verona>
- Vanzetti, Carlo 356
Centro di Studio per la Geografia Antropica <Roma>
- Almagià, Roberto 278
Centro Iberoamericano de Antropología <Madrid>
- Fabregat, Claudio Esteva 347
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café <Chinchiná>
- Schröder, Rudolf 361
Centro Pirenaico de Biología Experimental <Jaca>
- Puigdefábregas, Juan 353
Chaguaramas Agricultural Development Project
- Brücher, Heinz 345
Chemisches Institut <Bonn>
- Helferich, Burckhardt 359
Chiba-Daigaku / Department of Biology
- Numata, Makoto 142, 145, 353
Chicago Natural History Museum
- Cuatrecasas, José 363
Chikyu-kagaku-kei <Tsukuba>
- Yoshino, Masatoshi M. 572
Chinese Association for the United Nations
s. Lianheguo-Zhongguo-Tongzhihui
Chinese University <Hong Kong> / Department of Geography and Geology
- Davis, Sydney George 117
Chirigaku-Kenkyusho <Tokyo>
- Ihmoto, Nobuyuki 131
- Kiuchi, Shinzo 118
- Tada, Fumio 121, 131
Chronica Botanica <Leiden>
- Verdoorn, Frans 49, 304
Chung Chi College <Hong Kong>
- Tschang, Hsi-lin 356
Chuo-Kishodai <Tokyo>
- Fujiwhara, [?] 309
Clark University <Worcester, Mass.>
- VanValkenburg, Samuel 202, 333
Cografya Enstitüsü <Istanbul>
- Erinç, Sirri 133
- Tümertekin, Erol 133
- Yalçinlar, Ismail 357
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory <Hanover, NH>
- Corte, Arturo E. 134
Collège de France <Paris> / Chaire de Géographie Historique de la France
- Dion, Roger 159
College of Arts and Sciences <Quezon>
- Luna, T. W. 128
College of Business and Management <College Park, Md.> / Department of Geography
- Crist, Raymond E. 363
College of Business and Public Administration <Tucson, Ariz.>
- Dickinson, Robert E. 346
College of Commerce <Bagdad>
- Al-Ani, Khatab S. 128
College of Letters and Science <Milwaukee, Wis.>
- Lydolph, Paul E. 351
Columbia University <New York, NY> / Department of Geology
- Fairbridge, Rhodes Whitmere 347
- Terra, Helmut de 268, 369
Comité de Asuntos Culturales de Alemania y su Industría
- Dillner, Elisabeth 264
- Kolb, Robert 264
Comité Ecuatoriano de Geofísica de la Tierra Solida 192
Comité National Français de Géographie / Commission des Phénomènes Karstiques
- Fénelon, Paul 347
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
- Reiner, Ernst 218
Conference Commemorating the Centennial of Alexander von Humboldt <1959, Boston, Mass.> 277
Conference on Radiocarbon Dating <1956, Andover, Mass.> 204
Conference on the Biology of the Southern Cold Temperate Zone <1959, London> 279
Congrès International d'Agriculture Tropicale et Subtropicale <8, 1939, Tripoli>
- Maugini, Armardo 320
Congresso Brasileiro de Geógrafos <2, 1965, Rio de Janeiro>
- Bernardes, Nilo 344
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas 473
Conselho Nacional de Geografia <Rio de Janeiro>
- Hueck, Kurt 216
- Waibel, Leo 71, 340, 362
Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques <Genève>
- Baehni, Charles 371, 522
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
- Colamonico, Carmelo 346
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche / Comitato per la Geografia, Geologia e Mineralogia 117
Cordillera-Blanca-Expedition <1936>
- Kinzl, Hans 315
Cornell University <Ithaca, NY> / Division of Biological Sciences
- Whittaker, Robert H. 357
Coronelli World League of Friends of the Globe
- Haardt, Robert 372
Council of Europe / Committee for Higher Education and Research 188

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