
NL Troll - 149        1972 - 1974
IGU / Commission on High Altitude Geoecology, International Geographical Congress <22, 1972, Montréal>
Enth. u.a.: - Tagungsunterlagen, Korresp. betr. Veröff. der Vortr. mit Stuart A. Harris, International Geographical Congress <22, 1972, Montréal>; Kathleen A. Salzberg, Jack D. Ives, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research <Boulder, Colo.>; Peter Höllermann, Geographisches Institut <Bonn>, International Geographical Union / Commission on High Altitude Geoecology / Subcommission on Terminology
Darin: - IGU / Commission on High Altitude Geoecology // University <Calgary, Alberta>: Tours ... (ms.vervielf., 1972)
- Fragen zu Trolls Vortr. (hs., 1972)
- Carl Troll: Problems of the upper timber lines in different climatic zones; High-mountain belts between the polar caps and the equator, their definition and lower limit (versch. Fass., ms. und msD. mit hs. Korr. von Carl Troll u.a., 1972)
206 Bl.

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